A Guatemalan essential for sure. At least in my book.

What you need:

All the carrots from last week
A couple onions
Some greens (Great way to use half your manojo of spinach that you couldn't fit into anything else but is starting to wilt. Also parsley, hierba buena, or basil if you can find it).
Some garlic
A little olive oil
Seasoning stuff--salt, basil, oregano, whatever you like
Some milk (like, a cup. not from powder, please)

Chop those onions. Start sauteeing them. Shred all them carrots and add them in with the onions. They should be kind of seared/blackened. Add your spinach and some water. Steam those greens. Now, blend everything. Make sure it's good and blended or you'll get an icky texture Add some milk to that goodness. And all set.

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