So. First of all, I just got back from Spain, which was great and amazing and you can read all of my feelings perfectly captured here. I don't really want to go too far into my trip to Spain right now becuase it feels slightly out of place on a Peace Corps blog and because I'm so terribly homesick after seeing my family that I'm afraid that if I start to write about it, I'll start crying obnoxiously in the internet cafe. So to avoid that at all costs... see my facebook for photos of the trip, and we'll talk soon.

So, I was walking around my community today and I had a realization. After the realization I thought to myself 'Wow, Rebecca! That is dumb that it took you six months to realize.' But here it is.

So dirt here is dirtier. We've known this since we arrived. People get sick so much easier and so much sicker when they do get sick--well, actually, it's mostly because people don't wash their hands, but that's not the point I'm trying to make....

We've been afraid since the beginning that all the dirt is actually poop. I'm afraid not to wear shoes in my house, and I've become kind of anal about my floors. Which my mom and all of my former roommates will say was not previously in my character.

And it turns out, we were kind of right. At least in the rural areas. I kind of knew that there were no drains in my community. You see soapy water dribbling down from a house and you realize that the drain from their pila goes to nowhere. 

But I just had my insightful realization the other day when I was talking to a very intrepid young man who is soliciting funding from the municpal government for a community drain. 

There are no drains for any pipes in the community. That means rain washes wastewater into the roads of the community. It's no wonder that I just have this icky feeling every time I step onto my floor in socks, no matter how recently I've washed it.

Gross story for the week seems to be a trend for my blog.
1/9/2014 07:49:30 am

I swear, I've heard more about poop from you and em than the rest of the world combined!!!!

2/9/2014 04:03:04 pm

".... Which my mom and all of my former roommates will say was not previously in my character." I couldn't help but chuckle that I agree ;)


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    By the #s

    Countries Visited: 1 
    Tortillas Eaten: 3 x Number of days since June 19, 2013
    Rocks climbed: 0
    Books Read: 7
    Smoking Volcanoes Seen: 7

    A Rambler

    I'm trying to do mostly photos on this blog to keep myself out of trouble. That being said, I almost always have too much to say, and I'll say it here.

    Please keep in mind: Everything posted here reflects my personal opinions and experiences.  The content does not reflect the position of the US government or the Peace Corps


    January 2014
    December 2013
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    July 2013
    June 2013

